Patent Drafting

At Synoptic IP, we draft patent applications not only to satisfy the requirements of the patent office but also to make the draft future-proof by making changes to the ideas to provide the broadest possible coverage so that it cannot be bypassed by a third-party business. Together with the patent drafter, our subject matter experts make sure the patent application is technically sound and covers all conceivable variants.

Why do businesses, legal service providers, and inventors depend on Synoptic IP's patent drafting services?


Patent drafting is the process of creating the patent claims and descriptions, which are essential elements of every patent application. The method for patenting ideas is the main topic. In the event that a patent is granted, the drafting serves as the document’s specification.

Drafting the claims first allows the patent agent to decide which terms need to be defined in the specification. For this reason, it is preferred to draft the claims before the specifications.

A patent draftsman is someone who is knowledgeable about technical vocabulary and the standards for patent drawings set forth by a patent office. In essence, a proficient draftsman is aware of the particular specifications for submitting patent drawings in various jurisdictions.

The expense of drafting a patent varies depending on the service provider and the demands of the applicant.

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Here is a perfect guide for patent agent, attorney or inventor who is navigating the complex landscape of prior art searches and patent protection. As the leading prior art search company, a top-rated patent search agency, and a trusted Prior Art Search Service Provider, Synoptic IP offers unparalleled expertise in.

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