Evidence of Use (EoU)/Claim Chart

Synoptic IP’s Evidence of Use (EoU)/Claim Chart generating service demonstrates the infringement by adhering to the “all elements test,” which is the basis for accusing a product or procedure. The appropriately constructed claim and claim chart map the elements to the evidence acquired from the accused product or method.

When is it needed?

Why Synoptic IP?


Claim charts are used to demonstrate how a goods or services infringes on a patent. Companies typically use these charts to demonstrate patent infringement by demonstrating the market’s use of a technology.

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5 Essential Strategies for Prior Art Search with Synoptic IP

Here is a perfect guide for patent agent, attorney or inventor who is navigating the complex landscape of prior art searches and patent protection. As the leading prior art search company, a top-rated patent search agency, and a trusted Prior Art Search Service Provider, Synoptic IP offers unparalleled expertise in.

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