Technical Monitoring

Why Monitoring and Alert services? 

  • For regular updates on emerging technologies in the field.
  • Regular IP updates facilitate strategy forecasting.
  • Give ongoing IP updates for a specific technology so that users can stay informed about new developments and competitors.
  • Provide regular market updates to help you find monetization opportunities.

Why Synoptic IP?

Who could require this service?


Technological monitoring means keeping a close eye on new patents and other technical information that comes out in a certain field. 

Technical monitoring is performed to stay informed about newly filed patent applications, newly released goods, and the direction of market trends. Additionally, such monitoring can be carried out to keep an eye on rivals’ behaviour and learn about new entrants in the market.

Technical monitoring costs between $1000 and $1600 per domain per year on average. 

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5 Essential Strategies for Prior Art Search with Synoptic IP

Here is a perfect guide for patent agent, attorney or inventor who is navigating the complex landscape of prior art searches and patent protection. As the leading prior art search company, a top-rated patent search agency, and a trusted Prior Art Search Service Provider, Synoptic IP offers unparalleled expertise in.

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