Chemical Structure Search

With Synoptic IP’s Chemical Structure Search, you can easily identify chemical structures cited in both patent and non-patent publications and You can also draw and identify the most pertinent references for inventions, particularly in chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmaceuticals, using complete chemical structures, variations in functional moieties, and chains. This will help you advance your R&D efforts, have an impact on ongoing patent litigation, monitor competition, and fortify your intellectual property rights.

Conduct a systematic chemical structure search:

Synoptic IP’s Chemical Structure Search, aimed at the pharmaceutical and chemical sectors, helps R&D professionals in their quest for innovation, enables researchers to conduct better research, and enables IP counsels to safeguard their clients’ intellectual property. 

Why Synoptic IP?


You can use either paid or free databases to conduct chemical structure searches. STN is one of the most widely used paid databases for finding chemical structures while other well-known free chemical structure search databases include ChemSpider, ChemDraw, SureChEMBL, and PubChem.

A chemical structure search facilitates locating chemical data and structures that have been cited in both patent-related and non-patent-related materials.

Particularly in the areas of chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmaceuticals, conducting a chemical structure search is essential for locating the most pertinent references for discoveries. This allows one to strengthen intellectual property rights, drive R&D, and keep an eye on the competition.

Anyone creating a novel chemical entity for therapeutic, diagnostic, or research reasons who is interested in patenting the structure should get chemical structure done. This includes R&D teams at pharmaceutical corporations and researchers in the pharma and chemical fields. 

Typically, specialised paid databases like STN, which charge for each query executed on the database, are used for chemical structure searches.
As a result, the cost of a structure can vary depending on the magnitude of the search and the number of hits to be analysed.

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