Freedom To Operate Search

Synoptic IP’s freedom to Operate Search Services help you to identify potential roadblocks that may need to be licensed or invalidated, as well as guide product design decisions and/or uncover design around technologies. Whether you need to check for possible patent violations before a product launch or plan the next step in your technical development.

FTOs: A Complete Approach

Synoptic IP is top rated patent right to use search service provider, we carry out a comprehensive search to find patents with claims that can bar you from producing, marketing, or using a given product or engaging in a particular method in a particular territory. These searches are thorough enough to serve as a road map for wise business choices.

Our detailed FTO searches include:

The PPT report includes visual technical analysis based on the discovered references. Additionally, claim chart mapping of the pertinent identified references is included.

An Excel report is an excel document that contains keywords, IPC classes, search terms, project methodology, patent clearance search, patent feature mapping, and many other project-related details.

Why Synoptic IP?


A Freedom to Operate and FTO search service, also known as a clearance search or best patent Infringement Search group, determines whether a product used or a procedure carried out by a company infringes on any claims of an active patent

Generally speaking, an FTO search service should be carried out as early as possible in the development cycle of a product or process.

An FTO report can cost anywhere between a few hundred dollars (starting at US $400) and a few thousand dollars (can go as high as US $18,000), depending on the intricacy of the product and the countries where the search is to be conducted. Most of the time, a patent search would look at the product and give a detailed proposal with search methods and costs in about 24 hours.

To assess whether a business or individual inventor has the right to operate or use an invention or product in a certain country, they might perform an FTO search.

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5 Essential Strategies for Prior Art Search with Synoptic IP

Here is a perfect guide for patent agent, attorney or inventor who is navigating the complex landscape of prior art searches and patent protection. As the leading prior art search company, a top-rated patent search agency, and a trusted Prior Art Search Service Provider, Synoptic IP offers unparalleled expertise in.

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