Reverse Engineering

Synoptic IP provides high-quality analyses and reports in collaboration with a Chinese counterpart that possesses diverse capabilities in providing reverse engineering analysis of various electronic products, including IC technical analysis, IP analysis, chip design services, and chip security detection services.

When is it necessary?

Why Synoptic IP?


Reverse engineering, commonly referred to as “back engineering,” is the process of disassembling tools, software, buildings, and other goods in order to get design data.

In order to replicate a machine, software programme, architectural structure, or other product, reverse engineering enables you to comprehend its design. When businesses are unable to get a replacement component from an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), they typically turn to reverse engineering.

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5 Essential Strategies for Prior Art Search with Synoptic IP

Here is a perfect guide for patent agent, attorney or inventor who is navigating the complex landscape of prior art searches and patent protection. As the leading prior art search company, a top-rated patent search agency, and a trusted Prior Art Search Service Provider, Synoptic IP offers unparalleled expertise in.

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